Holistic View

February 23, 2012

Imagine yourself in a mirror. And fast forward to the last years of your life. Gray haired, wrinkled cheeks and forehead, deep seated eyes and an epitome of age. Can you see yourself having fully exhausted your God-given talents? Can  you say, “Whoa! what a great life!” If not, then you know you’re off the track. Let me ask you, how can you tell that you live your life to the fullest? How successful is being successful? Rich and famous, influential, master of his craft, owned a private island, traveled around the world, won a Nobel Peace Prize, and the list goes on and on. But my question is, are you happy? You might be one of the Forbes 100 but just got a divorce, or a CEO of a Blue Chip company but just came out from heart operation, or can solve tremendous amount of mathematical problems but as poor as Job’s turkey. There are a lot of people that excel on one aspect of their lives but failed on the other. Because for them it’s a trade-off. Mutually exclusive. But it’s not. You can be the best of both worlds. In fact there are 5 aspects in our lives on which we can succeed simultaneously. Financial, Physical, Relational, Intellectual and Spiritual. Conquer all of these and I’m sure when you look back at the mirror you can say, “I’m grateful to be alive!”.